Stefan Muntwyler Farbforscher

S. Muntwyler

1954 born in Wettingen (CH)
1979-92 Studio in Herznach (CH)
1992 Studio in Windisch (CH)

Colour research scientist, artist, collector of pigments

Teachers‘ training in Wettingen.
I have remained true to my profession and I still teach a few hours per week at the primary school in Gebenstorf.

1978/79 Zurich University of the Arts. Many art journeys since then.
Regular stays in Apulia and Greece.
Career in design and adult education for more than 30 years. Various projects at special school

  1. I paint colours. From Painter to colourman.
  2. Biographical notes
  3. Exhibitions
  4. Courses, projects
  5. Publications