Monochrome painting on tufa
The Apulian Old Town centres in the Salento with their big Roman cathedrals are all built of the local Pietra Leccese. The cathedrals in the North, however, were built of the hard marble from Trani, called Pietra Tranese.
Local tuff for the mineral colours of the Otranto pit
Some 30 years after my first harvesting of coloured earth in Otranto, I have managed to find a suitable, local surface: I am now working with the tuff-like soft limestone from the South as a base for the Colori della Terra d’Otranto, the pigments from the pit of Otranto. The stone used is of a warm, honey-coloured hue, and is often interspersed with sedimented shells, shark teeth and horn.
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